Football Coach: Effective Practice Time Eliminates Interceptions and Fumbles

Statistics for football are an important aspect in the sport. For instance, first downs, penalties the time of possession, yardage rushing the number of yards reached, and tackles each are major factor in football and poor performance usually results in a loss or poor performance.

However, good football statistics do not always guarantee you the victory and succeed on the field. The biggest cause of injury in football games is the turnover, which is an incident in which a football team gives the ball to the opponent team through an interception or fumble and, as a result, concedes a quick score. These scores that are quick can spbo wml be game-breakers regardless of how well statistically you’re on the football field during the game. Your team could be playing well, rushing the ball, passing the ball and perhaps stopping opponents with defense but after that “boom” a turn-over happens and, worst of all, the result of a touchdown. It not only deflates your team, but it also gives opposing teams motivation and the confidence to transforms an impressive game statistically to a disaster. Therefore, it is quite possible to beat the football team statistically. leading all categories, and yet be unable to win the game due to of turnovers.

The general norm is when you turn the ball around a minimum of three times in a game, the chances of winning the game are greatly reduced. So , as a coach, what can you do to eliminate the turning overs during a football game? The best answer to that problem is: you won’t completely eliminate turn-overs from your game, however when you are practicing football fundamentals successfully in the practice room, you will be able to manage turns-overs, and cut them down significantly. Most of the time, turn-overs result from mental mistakes due to inadequate fundamentals or bad judgement. For instance, your top running back isn’t holding the ball properly when they run across the line of the scrimmage. A defensive lineman in the other team’s direction hits the ball as he goes through the line of scrimmage, causing the ball to fly out, causing a turn-over.

To summarize, If the running back had solid fundamentals for ball carrying and was able to protect the ball, then it would have reduced the possibility of being taken away by the slaps from the defense linemen. This could have been avoided in training.

Second, your quarterback tries to throw a pass to the receiver who is following a poor pattern of passing. The quarterback throws a bad throw that results in an interception. We now have two errors that resulted in a turning-over. In the first instance, an unwise route taken by the receiver and an inexperienced decision that the quarterback made to throw the ball led to the intercept. Both of these mistakes are mental mistakes which can be corrected through your football practice. Turn-overs are a common occurrence and are a major element in any football match. One of your objectives throughout your football seasons is reduce your turn-overs. This can be achieved by focusing on good football fundamentals and working with your players in individual and teams in your football system time, either on offense or defense, and then coaching them to develop fundamentally, and also making good football choices when playing. This will result in you’ll reduce your turnover considerably, and not eradicate them entirely, but reduce them to ensure that your team can be more successful on the field.